
Friday, March 2, 2012

3 Steps To Getting Hordes Of Traffic From Video Marketing!

There's no denying that video has become the next big online marketing medium.
But most marketers don't know how to fully utilize online video to generate traffic
to their website. Here I'm going to show you the exact system to generate
thousands of targeted visitors to your website.

Step 1 - Sign up for video sites and automated submission

Sign up at the most popular video sites like:

Those sites are the top sites to submit to. The more video sites you submit to, the
more exposure and the more traffic you will get to your website.

A secret is to use a website called Tube Mogul and they'll automatically submit
your video to dozens of video sites for you.

Step 2 - Create your video

Now it's time to create your short 5-10 minutes video.
You can use a simple movie maker like

Windows Movie Maker or Camtasia to create a screen
capture video if your niche is related to computers or doing business online. Or
you can capture a video on camera and upload it to your computer and then edit
it with Windows Movie Maker.

Be sure to add your website link to the title, to the credits at the beginning or/and
at the end of your video to capture visitors.

Step 3 - Get traffic!

Now that your video is done, it's time to submit it to video sites. As mentioned
above, you can use Tube Mogul or submit your video manually.

In your video description, you can add in another link to your website. On sites
like YouTube, your link will appear as a live link to be clicked on and that gets

more visitors for you. Be sure to add in your add main keyword phrase to your
video title and keyword tags.

Other ways to get traffic to your videos include: 

- Posting a YouTube Video Response on a popular video in your niche to redirect
the traffic to your video (see below)

- Submitting them to social bookmarking sites using social bookmarking
submitters like   or

- Posting them to your blog

- Sending them to your subscribers list

- Posting them on forums